
Showing posts from June, 2013

WLtoys V232 / V252 6 Axis Quadcopter (Hubsan X4 Failed Clone)

Update: WLToys V232 is now WLToys V252. The fact is this quad is really bad!! Don't even think to buy it! The flying characteristic is horrible! Build quality also very bad! V252 or V232 has failed to clone the best micro H107! what a shame!   The most popular micro quadcopter since end of last year, Hubsan X4 H107 , now has been cloned by the company that popular for its clone product, WLtoys (Wei Li Toys) . Most of WLtoys product are cloning from other successfull product. Some of them are better than the original, but some of them also fail to compare to the original. Back to WLtoys V232 , featured in 6 axis: 3 gyros and 3 accelerometer, V232 should be very stable on flight. Like their previous micro (V202) i believe the successor also using the same technology. But we need to be careful since V2** family (V202,212,222) still suffer from drops out (falling out the sky) problem . I just wonder if V232 would survive from first droup out without breaking anything!! I bet ...